Over 182 people contributed to IPL during the day, and over 110 people gave during the last 8 hours, helping IPL win one of only 15 participation awards given to mid-sized organizations with the most donors!!!
Together we raised over $23,000 so that IPL can continue our work providing leadership training to emerging leaders from refugee and immigrant communities, school parents and leaders of OTOC member institutions. Thanks
Here is how your contributions to IPL came in
$16,893 from 182 on line donors
$ 3,600 from IPL Board and friends in Extra Bonus $$ to boost the impact of your gift
$ 690 Cash and checks contributed at the After Work Gathering
$ 1,500 Participation Award from Mutual of Omaha
$ 22,683
$500 Expected matching dollars from Omaha Community Foundation
Total Number of Donors
182 different individual donors contributed to IPL online which ranked 12th of 175 or top 7% of midsized organizations (budgets of $100,000 to $500, 000). Compared to all 715 organizations, ranked IPL 48 of 715, also in the top 7% of all organizations for number of donors.
During the last 8 hours of the day, 110 people contributed to IPL and the total of 182 was an increase over 50 over the number of donors in 2014.
Total funds received
IPL received a total of $16,893 in online contributions during OmahaGives which ranked 21st of 175 midsized organization or among the top 12%. Among all 715 participating organizations, IPL ranked 102nd or the top 15% of all organizations.
Thanks for your great support to Institute for Public Leadership which provides leadership development to refugee and immigrant leaders, school parents and leaders from Omaha Together One Community
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