Marilyn Felion helped lead an introduction to this issue at Urban Abbey during January, 2016

Leaders of Omaha Together One Community (OTOC) will hold three Issue Cafes at Urban Abbey (10th and Jackson) in September. Please join us at 6:45 p.m. for each of these three engaging discussions:

Wed, Sept. 7th and Mon, Sept. 19th at 6:45 pm  Why Nebraska should Retain Repeal of the Death Penalty. Learn the facts about the death penalty in Nebraska. Be part of inviting conversation and teach your community about this critical issue and why we should vote to RETAIN repeal of the Death Penalty in November.


Also attend the League of Women Voters Debate Thurs Sept 8 at 7:00 p.m.

At the Community Engagement Ctr @UNO (6001 W. Dodge) Two  Senators, Two  County Attorneys will  Debate whether Nebraska should Retain the Repeal.  

Jeanne Schuler and Sr. Kathleen Erickson helped lead a Sept 1 Press conference in front of Rep Brad Ashford’s office calling for an end to the indefinite detention of women and children seeking asylum

Thursday, Sept.15 at 6:45 pm:

Stop the Detention of Women and Children Seeking  Asylum   Learn how the US is keeping 2000 women and their children who are seeking asylum  in “Family Detention Centers” in Texas and Pennsylvania. Learn about the dangerous trek these families undertake to flee the  gang violence that is currently plaguing El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Learn what it is like for these women and children to be locked up behind barbed wire. Learn about solutions which OTOC and Omaha faith leaders are promoting.       


 To see their moving statements, go to OTOC’s Facebook Page: Click here for OTOC’s Facebook page