Leaders of Omaha Together One Community (OTOC) will hold an Issues Conference on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon at First United Methodist Church. OTOC and Community leaders will lead eight interactive workshops that will focus on issues affecting Omaha families. Each workshop will end with practical Next Steps that we can take to make progress on the issue


The OTOC workshops include:

Session 1

OTOC leaders at the 2014 Issues Conference briefly explained their workshops to 150 people who attended
  • Death Penalty: supporting repeal of the death penalty in the November referendum
  • EPA Clean Power Plan after the Supreme Court Intervention: How to advance clean power in Nebraska while the CPP is on hold due to the Supreme Court action. Duane Havorka and OTOC leaders will lead this information discussion and generate strategies.
  • Mental Health: filling the gaps in behavioral health services in Omaha  
  • ­Violence in the Community: seeking potential solutions for neighborhood safety  

Session 2

  • Neighborhoods and Housing: determining property tax values, abandoned property
  • OTOC and OPPD: organizing within OPPD to assure a sustainable, smart energy future 
  • Refugees and Immigrants: advocating for fair treatment of immigrants and refugees
  • Health Insurance for Working Poor: using Medicaid funds to insure workers in the coverage gap



The schedule for the Issue Conference is:

  • 8:30 am to 9:00 am               Gathering and registration, coffee, juice and light snacks
  • 9:00 am to 9:30 am                Meeting information and short training on organizing
  • 9:40 am to 10:30am               Issues Workshops Session 1
  • 10:40 am to 11:30 am           Issues Workshops Session 2
  • 11:40 am to Noon                   Report back and next steps         
  • 12:00 Noon                             Adjourn and go organize