The Health and Human Services Committee will hold a hearing on Wednesday, Feb 25 at 1:30 p.m on LB 472, the Medicaid Redesign Act.  This bill would:


  • Create the opportunity for over 50,000 low income working Nebraskans to purchase health insurance that is currently not affordable to them;
  • Bring more than $1.8 billion of our tax dollars back home to provide health care for tens of thousands of our friends and neighbors;
  • Ensure the health care system works better for Nebraskans, lowers medical costs, and boosts our economy by providing thousands of jobs;
  • Prevent nearly 500 unnecessary deaths each year by closing the coverage gap and allowing people who desperately need medical care to see a doctor


Call and Email these members of the Health and Human Services Committee

Chair: Sen. Kathy Campbell of Lincoln   Phone: (402) 471-2731 · Email: [email protected]


From Omaha area:

Tanya Cook of Dt.- 13 NE Omaha: Phone: (402) 471-2727 · Email: [email protected]

Sue Crawford of Dt. 45- Bellevue: Phone: (402) 471-2615 · Email: [email protected]

Sarah Howard of Dt. 9-Southeast Omaha: Phone: (402) 471-2723 · Email: [email protected]

Merv Riepe of Dt 12 (Ralston) · Phone: (402) 471-2623   · Email: [email protected]


Please send a copy of your email or let OTOC know you have called at:     [email protected]


Example of Email or Phone message:

Hello Sen. ______________.  My name is ______________, and I live in______________.  I’m contacting you to let you know that I support LB 472.  This bill would close the coverage gap by allowing over 50,000 working Nebraskans to purchase health insurance that they could afford. The bill will allow a Taskforce of Senators and Executive branch leaders to come up with innovative ideas to improve our Medicaid system and bring back about $1.8 Billion to our state to help pay for the healthcare of these families. I strongly encourage you to vote yes for LB 472.  Thank you for your support.