OTOC at Urban Abbey: Environmental Sustainability on Jan 28 & Public Transport for Refugees on Jan 29 - 1

45 people played Mexican Bingo (Loteria) and eat great food on Jan 10.

OTOC has been Urban Abbey’s non-profit partner during January, 2015!! Over 110 people have come to the first 3 sessions where they learned about Immigration Reform, Medicaid Reform and enjoyed a fun evening playing Mexican Bingo (Loteria) and meeting new friends. Every cup of coffee or tea, smoothie, sweet treat or bag of coffee that we have purchased during January will result in a contribution from Urban Abbey to OTOC to continue our work making Omaha a better place for all families live.

On Wednesday, Jan 28 at 7:00 pm, OTOC’s Environmental Sustainability Team will give a short overview of Climate Change in Nebraska, based on a study conducted by UNL Scientists at the request of of the Unicameral. Also, Sierra Club lobbyist Ken Winston will provide an overview of the bills filed in the Unicameral that will affect our climate. Finally, Action Team leaders will provide new information about how OPPD plans to spread out electric demand during peak summer days so OPPD can close the coal burning plants in North Omaha.

On Thursday, January 29 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. OTOC leaders will participate in a workshop organized by the Metro Area Planning Agency (MAPA) about opportunities for the refugee community to be integrated into transportation plans for our region. There will be a panel discussion and a to identify what is working well today, areas of improvement, and what obstacles refugees face when determining how to navigate throughout the region to complete everyday tasks.

Panelists will include:
Linda Barritt-Metro Area Transit
Scott Larsen-Lutheran Family Services
Stephen Osberg-ModeShift Omaha
Laura Weiss-Southern Sudan Community Association

On Jan 15 Attorney Shane Ellison of JFON explained the legal justification for the executive order to defer deportation for certain immigrants.

College of St. Mary Senior Daniela Rojas spoke about impact of the expanded program on her life.



On Jan 21 Nebraska Appleseed Lawyer Molly McCleery spoke to 27 interested leaders and members of OTOC’s “Death and Taxes” team to learn how to shape Medicaid and Tax Reform efforts in Nebraska