OTOC clergy and Action Team  leaders braved a blizzard in Omaha to travel to Capitol to speak in favor of LB 1032 at a press conference

OTOC leaders will travel to Lincoln on Wednesday, February 24th to meet with several Omaha area members of the Unicameral to educate them about why the Unicameral needs to pass LB 1032–Transitional Health Insurance Program– or come up with some other model to help 77,000 Nebraskans be able to purchase affordable health insurance. Please  join the OTOC delegation on February 24th. Please contact Mary Spurgeon at [email protected]  or the OTOC office at [email protected] if you plan to attend.



Schedule for Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016

8:45 AM –  Depart from carpool site at Farm House Café/Manglesen’s parking lot on east of 84th St., just north of I-80.

10:00 Meet with selected senator’s aides and/or senators themselves.    

Noon, or earlier:  Leave Lincoln to return to Omaha.


To learn more about how  LB 1032 could be an effective and sustainable way to provide health coverage, look at any of these reports:

Two simple, one page summaries which provide an overview:


Transitional Health Insurance Program Framework Final

Summary and Executive Summary of an independent study about effectiveness of the Arkansas model which was the starting point for Nebraska legislators in designing T-HIP. They seek to learn from the Arkansas model and improve it for Nebraska.

Arkansas – Stephen Group Report Summary

The Stephen Group Asssesment of Arkanasa Model Exutive Summary

To  see the ethical and moral reasons why Nebraska should act, read the testimony of Rev. Keith Nelson at the Health and Human Services Committee;

OTOC Statement in support of LB1032 Transitional Health Insurance