Forty people attended OTOC’s final summer leadership training session on Monday, August 10 at Augustana Lutheran. The training session was led by IPL and OTOC organizer Joe Higgs and several OTOC leaders including Carol Beaty, Kevin Graham, Gloria Austerberry and Karen McElroy. The session focused on:
Developing a Core Team of Leaders: How you identify and develop a team of leaders in your own church or organization so you can work with them for the common good.
Preparing for a listening campaign: How can we organize a series of small group meetings to listen carefully to the issues that affect the families in our congregation and community? OTOC plans to engage in a listening campaign this Fall and will hold a meeting in each member institution to review the work of OTOC Action Team and determine if there are new issues and new leaders who want to work for the common good.
Thirteen Leaders from Omaha Attended Aug 2 to 4 Organizing Training in DesMoines
OTOC and our Institute for Public Leadership (IPL) worked with our Iowa-based sister organization, AMOS IPL, to organize and conduct a three-day leadership training program in Des Moines on August 2-4. Thirteen people from Omaha and 30 from Iowa attended the training to help them better understand the conceptual framework and fundamental practices of community organizing during three days of engaging training sessions, meeting new people and sharing stories about their work for the common good in their own communities.
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