OTOC leaders and guests indicated how many of them had participated in Listening sessions last Fall
One hundred fifty people from 41 congregations and community organizations across Omaha participated in OTOC’s Issue Conference on Saturday, February 27 at First United Methodist. OTOC leaders prepared eight different workshops and 20 to 40 people attended each of the leader lead gatherings.
All of the workshops invited those present to take “next steps” to improve our community. Five of the workshops were organized by leaders of existing OTOC Action Teams and these leaders distributed information to participants about what they have learned about the issues they are working on together. The Five existing OTOC Actions Teams are:
- Housing and Community Revitalization
- Health Care for the Working Poor
- Support for Immigrants and Refugees
- Environmental Sustainability
- Improving Behavioral Health Care in Omaha & the State
Three other workshops addressed new problems which OTOC leaders may choose to work on in the future:
Violence in the Community
Retaining the Repeal of the Death Penalty
Organizing to educate customers about OPPD and how the decisions made by the OPPD Board will impact our climate and our smart energy future.
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